Yan Xiaochan 特定助教(京都大学研究連携基盤未踏科学研究ユニット「多階層ネットワーク」研究ユニット」所属) が第32回日本色素細胞学会学術大会で最優秀発表賞を受賞しました。
発表者名:Yan Xiaochan, 今井啓雄 (京都大学)
'Skin and hair color in primates, including humans, apes, and monkeys, have independently evolved to display a remarkable diversity of colors and patterns. Melanism, or dark pigmentation, has repeatedly emerged in primates and is thought to be influenced by factors such as thermoregulation, microbial resistance, and social communication. In this study, we investigated the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying pigmentation and patterning in Sulawesi macaques, known for their distinctive dark coats. Through transcriptomic analysis of hair roots from Macaca nigra and Macaca ochreata, we identified key genes that may contribute to this coat color phenotype.
It is a profound honor to receive this award, and I extend my gratitude to my professor and colleagues for their invaluable support and guidance. I hope this research inspires others to join in uncovering the genetic and evolutionary mechanisms behind primate pigmentation.’
・ 第32回日本色素細胞学会学術大会